Stream of Consciousness — 6.

Andrew Philips
2 min readJun 18, 2024


Do you ever have those days where every social interaction ends with you saying to yourself “not my best work”?

Because today was one of those days.

I work a corporate gig and had to introduce two separate teams to each other to hopefully smooth over whats been a rocky dynamic in the organization for a long time. It was important that I made everyone feel comfortable. And boy did I do a terrible job.

Most of my jokes fell flat. There was a decent amount of awkward silence (gracefully broken up by myself and one other person) and a bunch of repetition. I celebrated clicking the “leave meeting” button to close it out 26 minutes after it started.

And then I went to my volunteer role as a coach, and it was just the same thing. My conversations with other coaches were forced, unecessarily complicated over one easy thing I was supposed to say, and I ended up complaining about something that was pointed out to me as not appropriate to complain about in the presence of clients.

I ended today a bit angry at myself for being so sloppy with how I carried myself today.

I mean, everyone has those days, sure. But I’ve always been a social guy, and connecting with people has been something that comes naturally to me. So why was today so difficult?

As I think back on it I think there are still remnants from my “self improvement” junkie days where I studied all sorts of stuff in some attempt to fix something that wasn’t really broken. And it turned all the little things I got right into problems I tried to solve. And ironically enough, by making a problem where a problem didn’t exist, I ended up getting it wrong.

But how do you just stop making a problem out of something when it’s what your brain tells you needs to happen?

I’m not too sure.

But hopefully tomorrow I’m a little bit less awkward.

