Stream of Consciousness — 2.

Andrew Philips
1 min readJun 5, 2024


I had a friend unload on me about how much they didn’t like another friend of ours, which felt really awkward as someone who is at best fairweather friends with both of them. I feel bad for complaining about it, but it can be exhausting to navigate the awkward dynamics of being a person in a social environment. Who likes who, who tolerates who, and who doesn’t.

It’s worse when they all view you as the person to tell all of that to. When all you want to do is shoot the shit and enjoy your time, because you have enough shit to deal with in your own life.

Maybe I’m preaching to the choir here. Or maybe I’m clearly showing signs of a lack of maturity and a need to set better boundaries.

I guess I just miss the times when friendships were fun.

